Shortage of skilled workers, difficult delivery conditions and high energy costs: German SMEs are struggling with major challenges. According to a global survey by the Manpower Group, 75% of all entrepreneurs said they had difficulty filling positions. The use of industrial robots is intended to provide a remedy.
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
Automation in recruiting has been a goal for years. In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, time is money. Whatever you can do to speed things up will give your company a competitive edge. But automation in recruiting communication has often been impersonal and clunky – that all changes with Artificial Intelligence (AI) We’ve already discussed in a previous blog how AI is changing recruiting. One company was a very early adopter: Humanly.
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
Silicon chips are the foundation of modern computing. And with more workloads moving to the cloud, it makes sense to use silicon that is specifically built for the cloud. That’s why AWS custom-designs its silicon chips to be more efficient and sustainable, which helps you maximize performance and save money.
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
New technologies such as sensitive robotics are opening up new possibilities, particularly in medicine, for treating patients more gently and in a more tar-geted manner. KUKA's sensitive lightweight robot LBR Med, for example, is the first collaborative robot to be certified specifically for integration into a medical device, thus opening up new treatment options.
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
Soft skills. Interpersonal skills. Emotional Quotient. There are lots of names for those human characteristics that define how one interacts with the people around you. When employers write up a job description, most people focus on the technical requirements for a position. In the past, the bar for “soft skills” was pretty low – as long as you could get along and work with others, that might be enough. But in today’s hiring landscape, the definition of these skills has expanded, and they are often critical.
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
Author: Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago
Diaco Center is an intermediary company between technology seekers and technology providers. It doesn't matter that you are a technology seeker or a technology provider. Diaco Center is the best choice for you.
Iman Nasr Esfahani
1 year ago
Diaco Center bridging the gap between technology seekers and providers.Depending on your role as a technology seeker or technology provider, you have a different registration process. For more information,
Fahimeh Sajadi
1 year ago
Before entering the technology market, you must have a clear perspective about technology and its various aspects. In this article, Diaco Center will describe some of the most important guidance for beginners ...
Maryam Eskandari
1 year ago