Humanly is Ahead of the Pack in using AI to Hire at Scale

Automation in recruiting has been a goal for years. In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, time is money. Whatever you can do to speed things up will give your company a competitive edge. But automation in recruiting communication has often been impersonal and clunky – that all changes with Artificial Intelligence (AI) We’ve already discussed in a previous blog how AI is changing recruiting. One company was a very early adopter: Humanly. They have been at the forefront of the AI hiring revolution, and have been using conversational AI to hire more efficiently since 2018.
Humanity uses AI to create advanced conversations that allow employers to hire at an unprecedented scale. “We’re really excited about how employers can use Humanly for high volume recruiting,” says Bianca Nieves, Head of Demand Generation at Humanly. “If you’re trying to hire many people at once, we can save so much time. We like to think of it as making the recruiter “superhuman.”